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日期:2023-01-06 阅读量:0 所属栏目:英语教育

摘要: 随着社会的不断发展,演讲变得越来越重要。因为演讲归根结底是一个交流的过程,所以演讲者的目的不外乎是要吸引听众,让听众明白自己的意思,并使其接受自己的观点。所以现在的演讲,特别是国外的竞选演讲越来越趋于口语化,因此,演讲成了身处非英语环境的人们学习英语的极佳素材。
关键词: 英语;演讲;语法

0 引言
1 从语法上
1.1 人称代词we的使用
a. america was targeted for attack because we’re the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. (george w. bush “statement by the president to the nation”)
b. five score years ago, a great american, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the emancipation proclamation. (martin luther king “i have a dream”)
a. now we have the finest food and equipment, the best spirit, and the best men in the world. you know… my god, i actually pity those poor bastards we’re going up against. (george s patton “general george s patton’s address to his troops”)
b. we may have started on separate journeys but today, our paths have merged. and we are all heading toward the same destination, united and more ready than ever to win in november and to turn our country around because so much is at stake. (hillary clinton “hillary clinton’s farewell speech”)

a. and i thought that was really cool, and we had a team and we put a team together and they won and they got to fly. (randy paush “really achieving your childhood dreams”)
b. the key partnerships we build with software developers around the world are central not only to the success of windows but also to realizing the great possibilities that pc technology provides. (bill gate “bill gates’ keynote speech”)
1.2 人称代词you的使用
(1)you用来指代听话者, 且仅仅是听话者。例如:
a. i want to start today by saying how grateful i am to all of you to everyone who poured your hearts and your hopes into this campaign…(hillary clinton “hillary clinton’s farewell speech”)
b. what indira didn’t tell you is that this lecture series used to be called the last lecture. (randy paush “really achieving your childhood dreams”)
a. you’re young, you’re educated, and you are the very best china has to offer. my young chinese friends, i believe in your dreams. i believe that you can achieve them, and i believe you can make a difference, a big difference. all you have to do is just make the commitment. all you have to do is create the action and commit…(arnold schwarzenegger “keep your dreams a speech given by governor schwarzenegger at tsinghua university”)
a. and this thing does parabolic arcs, and at the top of each arc you get about 25 seconds where you’re ballistic and you get about, a rough equivalent of weightlessness for about 25 seconds. (randy paush “really achieving your childhood dreams”)
a. if you had one last lecture to give before you died, what would it be? i thought, damn, i finally nailed the venue and they renamed it. (randy paush “really achieving your childhood dreams”)
以上是仅仅从演讲中学习英语语法,特别是人称代词的学习的一个简单分析。 从分析中不难看出演讲对形象学习英语和实际教学都有着一定的意义。 本文链接:http://www.qk112.com/lwfw/jiaoyulunwen/yingyujiaoyu/53049.html


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