日期:2024-01-26 阅读量:0次 所属栏目:论文致谢
1. 导师及指导教师:感谢你的导师和指导教师对你整个研究过程的支持和帮助。他们不仅提供了专业的指导和建议,还在你遇到问题时给予了耐心和鼓励。
示例:I would like to express my deep gratitude to my supervisor, Prof. XX, for his guidance and encouragement throughout the entire research process. His profound knowledge and expertise in the field of microbiology have been invaluable in shaping my understanding of the subject.
2. 实验室成员和同学:感谢在实验室工作和学习期间与你共事和交流的同学和实验室成员。他们的合作和讨论帮助你解决实验难题,分享了宝贵的经验,并提供了良好的学术氛围。
示例:I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to my fellow lab mates and colleagues for their collaboration and support. Their insightful discussions, technical assistance, and friendly working environment have greatly contributed to the success of my research.
3. 亲朋好友:感谢你的家人、朋友和伴侣对你毕业论文的支持和理解。他们给予你的鼓励、关心和耐心在整个研究过程中起到了不可或缺的作用。
示例:I am deeply grateful to my family, friends, and partner for their unwavering support and understanding throughout the completion of this thesis. Their continuous encouragement, care, and patience have been instrumental in my academic journey.
4. 资金和设备支持:感谢提供经济资助的机构、基金或实验室,以及为你的研究提供必要设备和材料的机构或个人。他们的支持为你的研究提供了保障。
示例:I would like to acknowledge the financial support provided by XX Foundation/Grant/Company, which enabled the successful completion of this research. I am also grateful to XX Laboratory/Institute for providing the necessary equipment and facilities for my experiments.
5. 文献和数据提供者:感谢那些在你的研究中提供无私帮助的人。无论是提供重要文献资料,还是分享宝贵的实验数据,他们的贡献对你的研究起到了重要作用。
示例:I would like to express my gratitude to the individuals who kindly provided access to important literature and data sources, which significantly contributed to the findings and conclusions of this study.
I would like to sincerely express my gratitude to my supervisor, Prof. XX, for his guidance, patience, and continuous support throughout this research. His profound knowledge and valuable insights in the field of microbiology have played an instrumental role in shaping my understanding of this subject.
My heartfelt thanks go to my fellow lab mates and colleagues for their collaborative efforts, technical assistance, and insightful discussions, which greatly contributed to the success of this study. Their open-mindedness and friendly working environment created a stimulating academic atmosphere.
I am deeply grateful to my family, friends, and partner for their unwavering support and understanding throughout the completion of this thesis. Their continuous encouragement, care, and patience have been indispensable in my academic journey.
I would like to acknowledge the financial support provided by XX Foundation/Grant/Company, which enabled the successful completion of this research. I am also grateful to XX Laboratory/Institute for providing the necessary equipment and facilities for my experiments.
Lastly, I extend my sincere appreciation to those individuals who kindly provided access to important literature and data sources, which significantly contributed to the findings and conclusions of this study.
Without the support and cooperation of all the aforementioned individuals and institutions, this research would not have been possible. Thank you for your invaluable contributions to my academic growth and the successful completion of this thesis.